Welcome to our website

Hi fellow spiritual travellers, I have named this blog Independent Buddhist in the spirit of my new found freedom from an unhealthy Buddhist organisation. I am now calling myself a searching Buddhist, for although I hold Buddhist tenents I am keeping an open mind and heart as to all things spiritual and hope to learn from those of you who visit my site.

You do not have to be Buddhist to visit here, you just need to have a wish to find out more about yourself, a wish to grow spiritually.

If you have taken a wrong turn or two on your spiritual journey then fear not you are definately not alone here. My only rules if you can call them that for this site is that we all try not to judge each other, and that we try to be honest about our experiences and beliefs.

It is my heart felt belief that once we adhere to being right and others wrong we put a distance between ourselves and others that is then hard to bridge.

You are all welcome, my heart is open to you and whether you want to talk about your path, your bad or good experiences, it doesn't matter feel free to say what ever you like but please respect  other's on this site and please all try to have open hearts and ears for it is from other's that we can learn the most about ourselves. Thank you and blessings to all.


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